Monday, July 11, 2011

Eco-friendly Applications Of Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium magnets are manufactured using the rare earth element ND as the main ingredient, along with iron and boron of alloy NdFeB. The new high-tech industrial applications of these magnets have various well known environment friendly uses. These magnets are believed to be the most powerful magnet in the world. Neodymium is no rarer than nickel and copper in spite of its classification. These magnets are normally obtained mixed with other rare earth elements and they have to be refined.

Powering hybrid and electric vehicles is probably the most known environment friendly use of neodymium iron boron magnets. The recent researches related to automobile industry focuses on creating a version of this alloy which will be capable of retaining more magnetic power at the operating temperature of automobile drive engines. Magnets which will work efficiently at around 392 degrees Fahrenheit or about 200 degrees Celsius, will lower the requirement for cooling operations and this will make the technology more Eco-friendly.

The use of neodymium magnets in wind turbine generators is another environment friendly use of this magnet which is quite common. Since the production of each watt of electricity require a ton of Nd, development projects and advanced research are being supported by foundations and governments to produce powerful permanent magnets at cheap rates with less harmful byproducts. In wind power magnets, neodymium prices only accounts for three percent of the overall system cost. According to experts, the metal can quickly pay for itself, considering all the processes of wind generator - manufacture, grid hook-up, installation, transport, and operation.

The use of repelling rays and sharks is also an Eco-friendly use of ND which is not very familiar to many people. A study conducted at Bimini Biological Research Station revealed that large fish stayed away from swimming within a range of 10 inches of neodymium iron boron magnets. The researchers discovered that the vesicles and pores of the sensory networks of the animals situated around their heads and under their skin were overwhelmed by tremendously powerful magnetic fields. But this green technology is not useful to humans to protect them from sharks because the technology is very expensive and unaffordable. However, a relatively low-cost and low-tech intervention will protect endangered shark species and ray from human beings.

In spite of the discovery of rare earth element Nd in the year 1885, the lightweight, powerful magnets manufactured from it were not created till 1982. Until the 21st century, the production of ND was very costly for widespread daily use. Recycling of rare earth is another complimentary technology which can lower the cost of manufacturing magnets and minimize the environmental effect of refining and mining Nd. With the reduction in cost and improvement in refining processes, neodymium magnets are helping to produce cheap energy in more environmentally friendly technologies.